Skeletal Dynamics: All Around the Elbow – Surgical Management of Complex Elbow Trauma from Distal Humerus to Terrible Triad.
Friday, October 25, 2024
12:45 PM – 1:35 PM EDT
Location: 516C
Join us for an interactive, case-based session in which our faculty will present and discuss the surgical management of complex elbow trauma including intra-articular, supracondylar, and diaphyseal fractures of the distal humerus; distal elbow trauma including terrible triad injuries; and the treatment of elbow instability using the original IJS® (Internal Joint Stabilizer), the new Double IJS®, and stackable PUP IJS®.
Faculty: Jorge L. Orbay, MD Edgar T. Araiza, MD Chandra Vemulapalli, MD Scott Sandilands, MD