Upper Extremity & Wrist
Andrew Moon Choo, MD
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Uthealth Dept of Orthopaedics, Texas, United States
Financial Disclosures: AAOS: Board or committee member|Arthrex, Inc: Paid consultant|Bonebridge: Paid consultant|Globus Medical: Paid consultant|Orthopaedic Trauma Association: Board or committee member|
Jonah Hebert-Davies, MD
Associate Professor
Harborview Medical Center
Harboriew Medical Center
Seattle, Washington, United States
Financial Disclosures: Arthrex, Inc: Paid consultant|Synthes: Paid consultant|
Daphne Beingessner, MD
Harborview Medical Center, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine, University of Washington
Financial Disclosure: This individual reported nothing to disclose
Jennifer Tangtiphaiboontana, MD (she/her/hers)
Assistant Professor
Mayo Clinic
Financial Disclosures: Stryker: Paid consultant