Post-Traumatic Reconstruction
Stephen M. Quinnan, MD
Director Orthopaedic Trauma & Limb Restoration Program
Paley Institute
West Palm Beach, Florida, United States
Financial Disclosures: Biocomposites: Paid consultant|Bone Support: Paid consultant|DePuy, A Johnson & Johnson Company: Paid consultant|Edge Surgical: Paid consultant|Globus Medical: IP royalties; Paid consultant|Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction Society: Board or committee member|Microbion: Paid consultant|Nuvasive: IP royalties; Paid consultant|Osteocentric: Stock or stock Options|Reselute: Paid consultant; Stock or stock Options|Smith & Nephew: Paid consultant|Stryker: Paid consultant|
Mani D. Kahn, MD
Montefiore Medical Center, the University Hospital for Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Financial Disclosures: AAOS: Board or committee member|GE Healthcare: Paid consultant|Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction Society: Board or committee member|Orthopaedic Trauma Association: Board or committee member|Synthes: Paid consultant|
Sean E. Nork, MD
Harborview Med Ctr
Harborview Med Ctr
Financial Disclosures: AONA: Paid presenter or speaker|DePuy, A Johnson & Johnson Company: IP royalties; Paid consultant; Paid presenter or speaker|Globus Medical: Paid consultant|Imagen: Stock or stock Options|
J. Spence Reid, MD
Penn State University College of Medicine
Financial Disclosures: Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research: Editorial or governing board|Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology: Editorial or governing board|OsteoCentric: IP royalties; Stock or stock Options|ROMtech: Stock or stock Options|Synthes: Paid consultant; Research support|